What does it mean if handwriting is defined as "Boustrophedon"?
Correct answer: Alternate lines are written left to right and right to left

I have proudly known this word for more than two decades. Have no illusions, the chance to enter it into everyday conversation, for smarty points, does not arise. Or it has not for me.

I had never heard the word before & that's one of the many reasons I enjoy this game: learn something new every day.

Player #92723922
Never heard of this!
For a time, a friend and I wrote letters to each other (tells you how old I am), with one paragraph in English, one paragraph in French, and one paragraph in English using the Greek alphabet. Then we cut the letter into puzzle pieces and mailed it.
We would have loved trying this!

Tom, love it when you get to use a rare word in rare instances! I always say it proudly

it's just a oen


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