How far is the moon from Earth?
Correct answer: 240.000 miles

And this distance will only increase over time. The moon was much closer to earth in prehistoric times. Every year the moon moves approximately 3.8 cm away from us

Did you know that all the planets in our Solar System including Pluto, can fit within the space between the Earth and the Moon with plenty of space left over?

Player #12835622
I was so confused to see the tiny distances (250 miles etc)

Gary, History begins with the first written records of civilization. Prehistory refers to the period before written records existed.

Player #2339156
craftmaker758899, right. the earth is flat. uh huh. sure it is.

Montana Lady
craftmaker758899, the Greek mathematician Eratosthenes was able to calculate the Earth's circumference around 230 BC using a rod and the measure of distance between 2 cities.... so your flat earth theory is nearly 2250 years too late.

Player Elf Council
Zw, I grew up with imperial not metric. Now, in Australia, I have to know both. Still, one should remember that metric came much later. I believe it was introduced by Napoleon Bonaparte. I seem to recall he lost to us British so metric comes last.

😂 laughing at myself for failing this

it is 240,000 not 240.000

Agreed, that displaying decimal points in the answers, makes this question to NOT have any correct answers.

BonzJonz, even Jupiter?

Ace, exactly.... it's all lies

Mars V
Ace, The past subjunctive is typically used to refer to past or present actions or situations. Sentences in the past subjunctive mood contain two clauses:
A main clause in the indicative mood (often containing the verb “wish”)
A subordinate clause in the subjunctive mood (usually beginning with “that,” “if” or “as if”).
The past subjunctive form of the verb “be” is “were,” regardless of the subject (e.g., “I were,” “he were,” “she were”). All other verbs in the past subjunctive form are identical to their simple past tense forms (e.g., “I won”).

too much kilometres!

If the moon was that far the naked eye would not be able to see it clearly.

Player #51856971, I was talking about this with my daughter.

Mister C
what's the decimal point for - looks like 240miles to me...should try a comma!

use metrics in the question as well please

Barry McOckiner
Player #12835622, Agreed, they should've used commas, not decimal points.

Player #51856971
Mental how you can still see the moon when it’s so far away crazy 🌕🌔

Tincantitan1, The moon moves away from us at the same speed as our fingernails grow.

Tincantitan1, ya but scientists say in the future the moon will stop going away from the earth and will set itself in a permanent orbit...
which will be too far away tho ...😔

Player Elf Council, the metric system has been in Australia since 1966, so that is about 56 years. So you have had plenty of time to work out out..... if you want to that is.

Wow the moon is really far away!


miles? how about using universally understandable units?

Player #14716751
FACTCHECKER, it does say average distance in the question. are your eyes painted on? read the freaking thing.

Tincantitan1, OK, So what happens when Earth's gravity no longer keeps the Moon in it's current relatively stable orbit? Is it the "big one"?

Tincantitan1, while the earth expands

Chelseablue 1971
Tincantitan1, the moon is made of bits of Earth-from a collision time ago