In which of the listed James Bond films did Daniel Craig not suffer a serious injury whilst filming?
Correct answer: Casino Royale

Cookie Bean, I am a big 007 fan, starting with Sean Connery and I still love him, but I am willing to concede that Craig makes a very good Bond

I'm still looking at his photo! 😅

Best Bond ever!!!

Don't know if it will happen, but I would love to see Henry Cavill as Bond. 😍

I don't know if it will happen, but I would love to see Henry Cahill as Bond. 😍

last bond with african American woman with 007 number just shows the world has gone way too politically correct. Bond used to be an icon. won't be watching anymore bond movies.

Wannabe Vulcan
Cookie Bean, I agree. In my opinion the Bond movies ended after Brosnan.

Wannabe Vulcan
Player #29684811, the unofficial veterinary equivalent is ADR ("ain't doing right").