Do male or female mosquitoes bite people?
Correct answer: Female

Phillip Nash
Please download this game. It's addictive once you start playing.

Victoria Vest
this is why i only drink old balieys burbon non stop it kills mosquitoes with alcohol poisoning

Joshua Koltun
If you hear a mosquito buzz by you, don't worry-------
But if you don't hear anything, you may be feeling itchy soon

Yep, she bites me in effort 2 get blood for her eggs... them splat ! I smash her 2 her death 😂😂😂🚮

Also, female mosquitos are generally active from dusk till dawn. That is when repellent, and other preventative measures should be used.

you learn something new every day

she bleeds me dry....oh wait mosquitos you say

Joshua Koltun, You are very funny 😂.

the female bites to take birth for its eggs

Lil Zebra
Oh wow I guess I knew it.eventually 🤪

Why don't doctors, and scientists make a pill for this insect bite?

Coco Mc France
Victoria Vest, Hahaha!

Graham Y.N.W.A. JFT
Joshua Koltun, Nah once you hear them. it's too late. the buzzing past your ear is like a fly by in celebration ha ha. I Hate them.
had 3 operations because off them fu*$#@s
Y.N.W.A. JFT96

Player Dave Wheeldon
Jenene8022, those females that bite me normally die of alcohol poisoning and that aplies to all females l

doesn't have the proboscis* (it means "mounth")

Vanessa ♡
Atheist! lol

Victoria Vest, too funny!

good one

Player #188544
Phillip Nash, sure is

Beth Vella,

Betty Bop
Never knew that !