What is the most common eye color?
Correct answer: Brown

Brown skin, Brown eyes, last name Brown!

Heartland Old Guy
NimbleAmbassador2487, hazel and blue 8%, green 2%, about 1% are silver and amber.

what about other eye colour. at least give %

gamechic2018, A friend of mine has one brown and one green

Player TeeJay, mine are changing depending on different factors ,from blue to green to grey with all possible spectrums of mixes

PetrifiedCard48215, According to my Biology teacher, it shouldn't be possible for 2 blue eyed parents to have a brown eyed child.
I have always liked my brown eyes... didn't want any other color...I have my father's eyes.

charmedtrouble, there are several people in my family with two different colored eyes. really cool looking.

A teacher once did a little poll in our class on who had blue eyes and who had brown. I didn't know which to go for as I have hazel eyes, which I am very proud of. She made me choose and I eventually went for brown but I was really miffed about it. My eyes are brown in the middle, surrounded by blue, and they look different according to the light or what I'm wearing.

Nathan Pubs
mostly red hahaha

Player #8553765
Brown Eyed Girl

Player #17207732, I believe light eyed black persons often originate in southern USA. I think the word is mulatto. Strikingly beautiful!

Player #120374466
MistakenMole1681, I don't know why your teacher insisted on pigeon holing everyone to only two eye colors. Hazel color is different blue. Just as green is not brown

Player #120374466
Sebouille14, What factors are those?

Player #120374466
Heartland Old Guy, I have mottled green eyes

Player #120374466
KeeshaB, We'll call you Brownie.

Player BARTEMAEUS 10, David Bowie also had this feature. It's called Heterochromacy.

Thandie morrison
I have brown eyes and black skin

My son has 3 children and one of them has blue eyes, the other hazel and the youngest has dark brown. My son has hazel and his wife has dark brown.

Player #107789144
Mei Ling , probably it’s an ancestor did.

Player #107789144
RockNRollMama82, my husband has hazel eyes n so does my grain, which change color when it’s cloudy, sunny or difference in clothing…

and then there are Indians with black eyes!

my eye color is brown

everyone in my family has blue eyes except for one of my brothers who has Hazel; my son's father has green eyes and my sons eyes go from blue to green it's crazy beautiful but crazy

ang, that's so cool

Sebouille14, that's so cool bruh!

Player #111094000
Wow!You are very lucky to get that opportunity!

Player #111256511
Mei Ling , Green and blue eyes are recessive gene. So the parents probably both had the recessive gene which did not show up in them but each transferred the gene to their child.

My eyes are light brown

My son has amber eyes. very rare. I have hazel eyes and his dad has bright green eyes. The amber must've been a latent color. My daughter has green eyes, also not to many of those.

Player #98632086
My sister had green eyes and she was left handed also

Player #98632086
Tas, I think Elizabeth Taylor also had double eyelashes

Player #98632086
Lash, I think Elizabeth Tayler had double eyelashes also 😊

Arha Pathak
KeeshaB, I have light brown ( beautiful ) skin, hair,eyes... we're somewhat alike but I'm Indian and my last name starts with P

MistakenMole1681, 7th

Mei Ling
Marika72, a baby in the Internet had green eyes...none of her parents had green eyes though

Mei Ling
I have brown eyes too

my mom had golden eyes and I have green so do all 5 if my children even though their dad's is blue. I wonder how rare the chances are for us all to have a less dominant colour eyes. Also grandparent with green eyes.

guy's I think black color eyes is common 🤣😂 btw I have hazel eyes 🤥 change in lights

toe jam
there's no such thing as black eyes.0nly the ones you get when you are injured. people have different shades of brown, from light brown to dark brown.

I thought my eyes we're black when I looked closer it was brown