Which is heavier - 1kg of lead or 1kg of cotton?
Correct answer: Identical

This trick question is as old as the hills. I've usually heard it as "what's heavier a pound of feathers or a pound of bricks" ?

alderaanic, my dad asked me that question when I was a kid and of course said bricks.

Yeah century old question, but it trick me 😂

The true trick is to ask which weighs more, a pound of lead or a pound of gold. Gold is weighed in pounds Troy which has 12 ounces to a pound. All of the commodities referred to in the question are weighed in pounds avoirdupois which has 16 ounces to a pound.

Respect for those who voted "1kg of lead"!

Player #3093136
The question is less tricky when read vs when it's verbally asked imo, but obviously once heard, it's hard to get fooled again.

little b
I'm not inteical

The truck question is, "Which is heavier, an oz of lead or an oz of gold."
The answer is gold even tho lead is the denser, heavier metal. As gold is measured is in troy oz, 1/10 lb, lead is in av oz, 1/16 lb.

Happy 2025!
Lovely, i like to answer this 'lead of course' 🤣🤣🤣🤣

too easy yaba data doo

Tried to trick us with that one

Leron 🎋
" but steel is heavier than feather "

alderaanic, the funnier question is to ask about a pound of feathers vs a pound of gold. Since the imperial system uses different pounds for different things in fact the pound of feathers is heavier.

seriously. does this actually trick anyone?