How many sins are there in Christian teachings?
Correct answer: 7

Roy Jones
7even movie was inspired by the bible!
p.s it was a movie based on the seven deadly sins starring Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman!

The Bible teaches of more than seven sins.

it's the 7 deadly sins

Mars V
They aren’t really sins. They are human tendencies that lead to sin unless we practice the opposite virtues that control them: moderation, chastity, meekness, humility, generosity, diligence, and love of others.

Cat Mom
It says that they aren't mentioned in the Bible and some are part of the ten commandments & yes, all are sins, but it is a man made list. Who are the desert fathers?
And lastly, the movie has no Christian basis whatsoever. It is a macabre thriller about a serial killer who ends up cutting one detectives pregnant wife's head off after killing 7 other ppl

Mars V
Roy Jones, Se7en, you mean.

nadine dozier
I didn't think before I hit

Most if not all of these 7 sins will of been done by most people to some extent . Whether it be just small bit or a lot. Some people will believe they never have but they are only fooling themselves. Example if you have borrowed a pen or pencil and never given it back. That is steeling. Most will think , if you have forgotten to return it that is not steeling but the fact you totally forgot about it means you did not consider it important. If say you had borrowed a mower without asking from your neighbor you would remember to return that.
I must add I have broken all these 7 sins to a small extent.

Roy Jones, That what came to my mind too . great film.

seven deadly sins boi