Which of these was thought to be poisonous in some European countries during the 16th to the 19th century?
Correct answer: Tomato

I never knew of the pewter and tomato link , very interesting.

Potatoes are also members of the nightshade family.

They used to make lead acetate and use it as a sweetener. It seems to have taken a long time to recognize lead as the culprit.

Don’t worry -as long as it’s made after 1970’s it’s lead free , may your fine dining long continue 😉

Ray C, I've heard that it's actually a fruit, but don't use it in fruit salad.

TwoTin16, MOST Tomatos are Very acidic. If u want to find LESS acidic varieties this will help e.g. Yellow Roma's 😉

Ray C
Love tomatoes! my favorite vegetable (or berry) lol

The potato plant is also a relative of the belladonna plant!

RushMama2112, as are eggplants

Micki, Crikey didn"t know that about Beethoven!

RushMama2112, And, rimes with tomatoes!

Jomofo, As a certified lead inspector for the state of California between 2010-201 my husband tested dish ware coming from another country that had lead. Also spices that had lead. 1972 is the year in the USA when lead was outlawed, but any stock left ( like) paint )could still be used. So, lead is still out there causing damage

Karl pilkington anyone?

Player #137846770
Rufus, didn't know that

Large quantities of ripe tomatoes and/or green tomatoes are poisonous to dogs

A severe allergy to tomatoes makes my lips blow up and hives break out all over my face. If others reacted as I do back then, it might easily contributed to the fruits reputation as poisonous. It was proven that lead poisoning caused by a pewter mug was the cause of Beethoven's weird symptoms, possibly including his deafness, and his grumpy and morose personality.

Scary Bear
KittyA9, I eat raw potato, on occasion. I just don't eat the uncooked green; I believe it's arsenic. May be that's what makes me Scary 😱

Scary Bear
RushMama2112, the fruit of the potato plant is very poisonous x

Goodboy, me either

I have learnt something new...as always on this game

Belladonna (deadly nightshade) is used to make the prescription drugs atropine and scopalomine.

Player #125843019
Cannot beat a good English tomato for sweetness and taste.

Guillermo Jr.
atsa one-a spicy a-meatballa..

If they are raw, they make me sick. Literally. 🤮