What international cherry-related contest happens every year?
Correct answer: Cherry pit spitting

Player #Meg
Wonder how many non-americans enter this 'international' competition.

Americans might perhaps have some strange things that they do for fun, but I daresay some of the rest of you do also some things that would be strange to Americans

Miss Sue
wendy, Constantly.

Player #Meg, There may even be visitors from other countries there to join in.

wendy, Then I guess and learn.

Le Khanh
Hay qu amoi nguoi pi

Player #Meg, you forgot Michigan borders Canada.

Byrde Alpha Bitch
Oh goodie... more America/American Bashing from the Peanut Gallery. You folks should really find a better hobby, this one is so hateful & unbecoming.

Patricia, believe me, I am American and I can't believe some of these questions! It's actually a pretty dumb question. I look at a lot of these questions lately asking myself " how the .... do I know?"

Player #Meg, not very many, I would imagine?