"Sometimes you feel like a nut / Sometimes you don't" is a jingle for which candy bars?
Correct answer: Almond Joy and Mounds

This is an okay question if you're in America, yet I suspect that not many other people in other countries would know this. sorry, but that's my viewpoint

KAITLYNMARIA, yes I'm in complete agreement with you, the fact that it's for an America, not other countries, makes it more difficult!

KAITLYNMARIA, never heard of them in Australia

it was the only choice not available in the UK so the only advert I've never heard - sound fine though!

Y draig goch
never heard of them in Oz. we don't have candy either, just lollies.

I am eating an Almond Joy right now. I love them both.

This is the question that goes with which candy bar has coconut in it covered with chocolate. Not Bounty!

Player #83925953
If THIS is an American Game, chances are pretty good that 97% or more of the questions are going to be geared to the American people. The same would apply if it was Canadian or the United Kingdom. Don't you think?

KAITLYNMARIA, I am Canadian and a lot of Americana spills over the borders, yet more than half of the chocolate bars mentioned are not sold here. This is just another instance of the many American-centric questions asked of people who do not live in the U.S. of A.

I went to their factory with a group of kids from school. Had a blast. The only thing that bothered me was all the chocolate candy that fell on the ground was wasted! I probably would’ve eaten had I been given the opportunity! Lol