In the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) phonetic alphabet, which word represents the letter W?
Correct answer: Whiskey

I am not a number.
Player #26647016, yes please. No ice or water.

Player #26647016
whisky or whiskey?

little b
I don't drink whiskey

depends on which NATO country. USA USA "E" all the way...Scotland not so much so... lol

Republic of China
You know what?
NATO Alphabet List :
Alfa, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot, Golf, Hotel, India, Juliett, Kilo, Lima, Mike, November, Oscar, Papa, Quebec, Romeo, Sierra, Tango, Uniform, Victor, Whiskey, X-ray, Yankee, Zulu. "Alfa" and "Juliett" are intentionally spelled as such to avoid mispronunciations. Numbers are spoken as English digits, but with the pronunciations of three, four, five, nine, and thousand modified.[2]

Player #40318351
Duplicitous question when more than 1answer is correct