Which of the following species is not an apex predator?
Correct answer: Coyote

There are many different species of sharks, and not all are apex predators.

Although sharks get preyed on by killer whales.

Pretty easy as Coyote's also eat carrion and scavenge a lot of food. Or loose food to Apex operator's.

Coyotes are preyed upon, or rather outsmarted, by roadrunners 🤣🤣🤣

there are many in my area I believe it's due to excavation and building and they're being forced out of their natural habitat but they run down the street in the daylight and it scares the tire out of me.

I think it's sad we hunt them. They have their place in the chain of life. Coyotes are intelligent.

Red England
Koplfer, I don’t think they’re “chicken “ they’re just being sensible & running from the biggest apex predator on earth = MAN although of course we are “chicken” & have to resort to using guns etc to ‘assist’ us = shame on us

coyotes have been known to kill cats, foxes ,turkeys and even bobcats.