Where is the 666 km (414 miles) Dalton Highway known as one of the most dangerous roads in the world located?
Correct answer: USA

big Milt, I was there on motorcycle in 1996. Very dangerous. I thought we were going to die at least three times. There is no speed limit. Huge supply trucks for Prudhoe Bay come blasting through at high speeds and throwing gravel, and almost blowing us off the road. We would scramble to get off the road before they came. We were coming down one mountain, 15% grade, straight down, no switchbacks, in a pouring rain, and then it turned to sleet. I thought we were going to slide off the mountain and die. I prayed to every saint I could think of, not many because I’m Presbyterian.

as seen on "Ice Road Truckers".

Sillybug, the man in my avatar pic did that, too. From Toronto to the Arctic Circle on a touring bike. From reading about your experience and his, I know this is a place I don't need to visit. ;)

big Milt, I think that it’s pretty obvious why it’s so dangerous in the description of the distance and conditions!!!

Player #4241582
Spent a summer in Coldfoot working as a surveyor. Basically a truck stop

Sillybug, then why in the world would you choose a motorcycle to drive on it?

medicinal hold 45
big Milt, lots of wilderness no people bad roads cold weather and big animals.

Sillybug, love your last line! Has me lol lol lol ! I’m sure all the saints you prayed to heard you!!

Silly bug- Interesting reply, very descriptive! Do you do that sort of thing very often?

nancy, yep! My next holiday...not! 😅

Player #143161285
Sillybug, The Saints hear everyone.😊 Glad you made it down the mountain safely.

little b
I've been to the USA

Imaging a road that circles round and round 414 miles in the other choices.