What does Melanie Gaydos suffering from a rare genetic disorder called Ectodermal Dysplasia do?
Correct answer: She is a fashion model

Amazingly brave woman!!

poor soul, it must be strange for people to view her in a different light.

Melanie had a role in music video for a song "Mein herz brennt" by band Rammstein, that's the first time i heard of her, she is awesome and curagious woman i admire her success.

Tina M.
I don't understand why some people are giving a thumbs down for some of these comments.

Tina M., Tina M., some people are just wrong they are sad people to do that.

Wow, what a wonderfully strong person. Didn't let it get in her way.
Bravo, Melanie 👏💕

I admire her..... She's so strong and brave!!