Which long-running TV series featured the character "Professor Proton"?
Correct answer: "The Big Bang Theory"

Being a big Bob Newhart fan, I thought what was clever about having him on TBBT was that he is kind of a shrink to the tall skinny kid and that's part of what he is famous for, playing a physicist in the 70's. And yes, he is still alive.

toe jam
ls he still alive?

Bob passed away in July 2024 aged 94

Mars V
I have his same stammer.

Tyler Rhone
Rest in Peace, Bob Newhart.

I don't know that much of movie s

toe jam, sadly he passed away on July 18, 2024. Funny guy

good seeing Red Dwarf mentioned here.

yes toe jam

toe jam, he lived a great life, and I really enjoyed his dry sense of humor.

Dang. I saw so many episodes of that show but somehow missed Bob newhart and the role he played in it. I must be really out of it.

xs secrecy

I was a bit late getting into TBBT but as soon as I saw it was hooked, it’s very similar to my own nerdy life in some ways! 😂

only knew this coz, the others don't have a character called that?? not as far as I know anyway!