What is the glossy-skinned variety of peach called?

Correct answer: Nectarine

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What people think about it: 17 Comments
Lady HM
Lady HM
We have a farm in Texas where we planted peaches and nectarines. Even though the nectarines were sweeter than the peaches they didn’t sell much… people just wanted peaches. A hard freeze in 2021 did away with most of our nectarine trees, so we replaced them with peaches.
I can't eat peaches because the fuzz freaks me out. Nectarines for me. Still yummy!
Player #16563560
Player #16563560
Wow, often thought, now comfirmed. one of my favourite fruits.
I love both but here in Oz they seem to becoming harder and less flavourful. I miss the days of biting into one and having the juice run down your chin...
Stinky, oh Stinky I hear you...I used to look forward to Christmas for Peaches and Nectarines but now they are almost crunchy😢 Only place to get them is on roadside stalls
I am allergic to the skin of peaches breaking out in hives immediately. However, if someone removes the skin for me, I can eat them with joy problem. Strange, huh???
I miss peaches more than I can say. I grew up with soft, beautiful, oh-so-juicy peaches. Today, it's only about money, never about quality. Because peaches are difficult to ship without them becoming bruised, we get unripened peaches that are hard as a rock. Pit fruit ripens from the pit outward, and it stops ripening when it's picked. It seems to me that if NASA can ship a robot with incredibly delicate instrumentation safely to Mars, surely someone could get me a ripe peach!
Tara Tippy.
Tara Tippy.
😋 yum
Lady HM, I am so sorry!
Stinky, I so agree with you ditto ditto can't find them soft anymore really
RushMama2112, didn't know they were related fun fact
Player #138752561
Player #138752561
Lady HM, my grandfather grew peach trees, apricots and plums up the sides of his house to make more space for other growing things in his yard. how we loved all his fruits.
That is not the correct answer
Mellow Mind
Mellow Mind
Player #16563560, TWO of mine 😆
Player #120374466
Player #120374466
meka, Peaches in winter? Nectarines and Peaches are a summer fruit here in the USA. But yeah, its hard to find a true ripe peach anymore
Player #97184361
Player #97184361
RushMama2112, Very finicky person. ha, ha,ha, ! ! !
Player #11111988
Player #11111988
i agree Arohanui