What was Alan Rickman's last film?
Correct answer: Alice Through the Looking Glass

I am not a number.
alderaanic, that was Jeremy Irons who played Simon Peter Gruber. Alan Rickman played Hans Gruber in the first Die Hard.

Player #8565446
he was in the first die hard not the third one. he played Hans Gruber. Also loved him in Galaxy Quest and Harry Potter series.

World class and sorely missed.

Great actor. I loved him in Sense and Sensebility

Player #22654160
I really miss him. H was a great actor

Buffalo Bills Fan
Biljana, Snape in Harry Potter series too.

Player #41848581, the Sheriff of Nottingham! He was the only good thing about that movie.

Player #43033997
Player #8565446, He definitely showed his range in Galaxy Quest....very funny movie. He was an amazing actor 😪

If you haven't seen Truly, Madly, Deeply you should. it's one of his best films, IMHO.

He was realy great in Die Hard With Avengence (Die Hard 3) as Peter Gruber brother of Hans from the first Die Hard.

Brilliant actor. Greatly missed

a very underrated actor

I really miss him! He was such an awesome actor & he went way too young!! Our loss for sure!

Great man, and a great versatile actor.

Brad Stopher
everytime I think of Alan Rickman I think of Professor Severus Snape from the Harry Potter franchise

A great actor,

RIP to a wonderful human being and actor. Way too young to go. Loved him in Dogma. And as someone else here said, the ONLY good thing about that horrible Kevin Costner Robin Hood movie. It’s worth watching strictly for Alan’s Sheriff of Nottingham.

he was a great actor.. so unique of his talents

the most remarkable actor I have seen in movies, may is memory be blessed

Biljana, I met him. I was an extra in sense and sensibility!!

it's right now

Player #66817220
Patti, and to think he's best known for his villain roles!

Player #66817220
RushMama2112, yeah, but something vexed him.

Player #66817220
Player #8565446, he was great in "Robin Hood", too.

Can there be a posthumous knighthood? He should really be called Sir Alan Rickman

I am not a number., have never seen the die hard series. only heard of his part in it...

r.i.p. professor Snape 🪄🇿🇦

Player #9027618
Not the voice of god, note the” impressive wing-span and the plastic mound”!

Sankhadip Mandal
The eminent actor Alan Rickman portrayed Professor Severus Snape in the Harry Potter series.

loved him as Severes Snape in Harry Potter

Such a great actor. Sadly missed

I was so sad when I heard he passes away. One of the finest actors that ever was in my opinion!

voice of God - Dogma. Watch it, great film, amazing actor. His co-actors all spoke SO highly of him, as a human being, as supportive and open.

Great actor and a wonderful human being. He is greatly missed for his art, but also for his commitment to fairness in society and to many of the things that matter in our world.

Player #41848581
“…. no more merciful beheadings and call off Christmas!” Best lines ever.

I definitely did not " love " him. I like him a lot as a very good actor but " love " no way. Do I crave to be with him every day and look at images of him every day, no definitely not . Do I love him 100% no.