In which religion are there a list of the seven deadly sins?
Correct answer: Christianity

alderaanic, Yes! People keep saying, "seven deadly sins" but, according to God and the Bible, no sin is greater than any other (except blasphemy).

They are not mentioned in the Bible. Like The 10 commandments. But in Book's like Paradise Lost ,Purgatory & Dantes Inferno.

Player #145145954
So no Mosses, no respect for the birth religion of Jesus and what formed the religion named after him

Player #145145954
Wow what happen on the mountain then?

Brandy, actually there is, it's in proverbs, it's called there are 6 things God hates, no 7 He detests, at least 2 deal with lying, and false testimony

I got this wrong, because I put Judaism, which pre-dates Christianity, I did report it, because its found in the old testament

Have read, and I’m Catholic, that some pope centuries and centuries ago wrote these so-called seven deadly sins. Was born, raised and educated in the Church and have never been taught these “sins”. The Ten Commandments are taught.

chuiIntz catz, read your Bible. no such thing as 7 deadly sns

Farrell, no they are not.

only the catholics who have no idea what the truth is

Is not are there a list.

cheena71, I think it means like they can be deadly on Earth. because you are absolutely correct about that.

Mars V
They aren’t really sins. They are vices that can lead to sin. Each has an opposite virtues the practice of which keeps the vice in check.

Knodel1958, They are listed in the Bible.

Pril San Pedro, they are humans and as humans they are not without sin.

IRENE, Sorry but no. God hates all sins. 'Saint' Augustine decide that some sins were worse than others and that the punishment was eternal conscious torment in a lake of fire.. God sent His Son, Jesus Christ to suffer the penalty for the sins of ALL...even non-believers. Please, read your Bible with care. Don't rely on a man with a particular theological education telling you what he was taught it 'means' inspite of what it actually says.

chuiIntz catz
alderaanic, Read the Bible. The seven deadly sins can even be read at Proverbs. Thanks.

this question is out of knowledge of the bible?

gamesmaster, The question said ''Christian Tradition''...not law, not Biblical.

gamesmaster, exactly! Well said. that's a belief from the Catholic Church

Player #25874027
But if you have only one sin the Catholic Church would make one seventh of the money selling Indulgences

This is false. There's nothing like the 7 deadly sins in Christianity.

Love the movie Seven!