What is the hottest and driest US national park located in both California and Nevada called?
Correct answer: Death Valley

I don't remember the year but once in the last - say - 25 years, Death Valley had a record rainfall within a day or so for the 1st time in 100 years. The desert burst into life: covered in yellow, pink & purple flowers. (Life is tenacious! All those seeds just waiting for the moisture.)
I'm on the East coast, so I only saw pictures but I understand people travelled there from the world over to wittness that rare and beautiful sight. "They" don't expect it to occur again for another 100 years.

Just about always experienced after a drought - flooding.

Player Say what!?
The highest recorded temperatures on Earth happen there. 135F is not uncommon. There is actually a town there!

Player #97184361
Larissa, No you die because you’re not from there. actually if you’re not prepared and have no ration you could die there, if not rescued. Maybe. ! ! !

Larissa, people should not go unprepared obviously!, need to have plenty of water and survival rations on hand, for lifes "what ifs".

Our world is just amazingly beautiful. I'm an artist/teacher and I appreciate the beauty.

I was there in April of 1997 with a Botanist from Boston. The valley was all in bloom of yellow, pinkish, variety of purple shades of flowers of various sizes and shapes. It was amazing to be there and to see it. It was a short time after a heavy rain.

assuming I m pissoff

I work with Geologists and they travel there every year for research. And they all make it back in one piece thank God!

Tina M.
This past week, about 1,000 people were stranded there due to heavy rain.

You'd probably have to drink you're own saliva or sweat. 🤢

I'm guessing they call it Death Valley is because people die there I'm guessing? 😃

Who will like to run from here Mount Whitney than riding in a bus 🤣.