What is the experience of joy that comes from learning of the troubles or humiliation of another called?
Correct answer: Schadenfreude

Oh so that's the term of how I feel for the January 6 rioters getting prison sentences.

Guillermo Jr.
Schadenfreude is also great on rye bread with gouda and a little brown mustard...

Jesus once said we should not want to feel satisfaction at the harm or Hamilton of another. we should pray for that person. there will always be that kind of person who likes to hurt others. we need to rise above that.

Player #18100718
orion2654, nothing messed up about it. Being puppets and human shields engaged in overthrowing a free and fair election requires an appropriate sentence.

player one.five
Listening to the blues can make you feel better by comparison

Player #66817220
So what exactly does the cat have to do with this?! (Hey, that looks like my cat!)

i never understood how people can laugh at the demeanour of another person i e falling down : i get angry when i c such a thg

Alison , excellent example. We shouldn't confuse schadenfeude with feelings of humble gratitude.
And we shouldn't confuse schadenfeude with partisan driven psychosis, either.

Nexus 6
Leave it to the Germans to have a word for this.

Schadenfreude should only be experienced when seeing one get their comeuppance.

Debster, and they've been pardoned 🙌🏼

Bear, that's called evil

Bear, the Jan 6 protesters were not breaking in the WH. They were welcomed in by FBI agents and Capltol police...not guilty of a crime

Melode, Come on. Be realistic. Religion shouldn't exist. All religions are based on faith alone. Nothing factual. If there was one religion that was based on fact, there would be only one religion.

it wasn't the other ones. they were very easily eliminated so this schadenfreude was very clearly the answer.

Lucie Freya
Melode, I don't need Jesus to know that.

Debster, Who cares about what
happened it's now we care
it's a dead sawn off body

Jenn Natalia
first paragraph is almost identical to above stated question...WHY waste our time?

Player #120374466
Debster, Many of us agree with you. A set up job all pre-planned by the opposition

Player #120374466
Player #66817220, I think cats are known to hold grudges.

Player #120374466
Player #18100718, What about the insurrection of our major cities such as Portland, Seattle, St Louis ete etc. those arrested are let out back into streets. Selective justice?

This term sounds close to scandalous

Bear, Yes! Same here!

Orange 🍊 man

It is also a German word meaning a person's "Shameful Joy"

Melode, tell that to the christians who encited war upon countless millions of people in the name of religion, just for not believing the same way.

Bear, I was actually going to respond with a negative remark, but you aren’t worth it. Few if any of the prison sentences given were just. The only prison sentences that should have been given out was the man who killed that defenseless young woman and of course Nancy Perlosi who planned and roughly organized the mess that followed. She should be put somewhere away from human interaction.

song Don't laugh at me by Mark Willis I think. it has a line in it that says - don't get your pleasure at my pain.

Mack, this - zis

Calabtangan' Boyoyong
new word to me.

I resent the cat picture!! LOL! 😆

I love that they've chosen a smirking cat for this picture!!

Wannabe Vulcan
Funny they would use a sneering cat for the picture (let alone that it looks like my old cat!).

Black Nation🖤🤍
how is it pronounced?

Guillermo Jr., why the picture of the pretty kitty cat?

toe jam
glen 👍🎶, things that make you go, hmmmm.

Player #66817220, I was wondering the same! 🤷♀️