In which year was slavery abolished in the USA?

Correct answer: 1865

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What people think about it: 22 Comments
Player dwelsh113
Player dwelsh113
K O T K, Yes, unfortunately slavery is not over in the USA it's called human trafficking.
Player #25874027
Player #25874027
Player dwelsh113, Slavery is more prevalent in the world now than at any time in world history
Byrde Alpha Bitch
Byrde Alpha Bitch
RSVP78, Unfortunately it isn't truly "abolished", it is alive & well under different terminologies, circumstances, customs, traditions, the dark underground, major business, etc.
Byrde Alpha Bitch
Byrde Alpha Bitch
pchezz, No, anyone can/could be a slave. Some slaves were white people too.
Player #29684811, that’s because most young people today are not being taught well enough in schools. I watched a YouTube video of college students unable to answer these questions. How many dimes equal a dollar? How many states are in the US? What is 3 times 3 times 3? When is Independence Day? Scary and sad.
Player #96890951
Player #96890951
Player dwelsh113, Likewise, almost everywhere else on planet earth.
Player #120374466
Player #120374466
Player #97184361, Yes, and remember the TV series "Roots" the author Alex Haley included experiences of freed blacks eventually becoming rich and having black slaves
Player #77118933
Player #77118933
Lorraine , slavery was taking place in North America between rival native tribes long before the coming of the white man.
Player #97184361
Player #97184361
Old man X, USA gets blame easily because America became most successful and the richest.
Vlynn, our governments do not want our children to know the truth about the vile histories of western Europe and America because they are shameful.
KalahariSurfer, thank you KalahariSurfer, I was about to comment on that.
DuzzitReilly , you are so right, thank you for telling the truth.
abobo, why cannot you accept that slavery was only for Africans on America. Many Americans are very touchy about their history. they have killed indigenous people, they oppressed Africans, Chinese were welcome until the railways were constructed then America tried to kick them out, in 1882 with a law. know your history!
Old man X, but you kept it going.
Player Jellybean, Jim crow laws.
K O T K, but only African slavery was in America. and when importation was banned, slaves were forcibly bred to increase the enslaved population to gain free labour.
Is it though.criminals human traffic, but the good ol' plutocratic Us government.rounds up thousands of people on spurious state law breaking charges and menial offences. fills up new build 'prisons' that the state makes $$$millions from prisoners labour.. can you not see the wood for the trees lads.??
Player #25874027, Really, now? tell me more/ please share your resources. I would like to know more about this.
The British outlawd slavery way before the Americans....The USA still have it in certain areas
Byrde Alpha Bitch
Byrde Alpha Bitch
The "modern day slave" is of 1 of 2 kinds. One is for kink & the other is a worldwide, dehumanizing & midlevel practice, that needs desperately to end, however highly doubtful it will in my remaining universal time, realm of reality & plane of existence.
Player #29152846
Player #29152846
Slavery actually happened back in Biblical times in Egypt and in Moses's time
RSVP78, Precisely why statues in the UK that honour people who had big connections with the slave trade should be removed.