What is the national sport of England?
Correct answer: Cricket

There are two batsmen in & the fielding side try to get each man out. When a batsman is out he goes back to the pavilion & another batsman comes out, he is now in until he is out. This continues until 10 batsmen are out. The batting side now become the fielding side & the other team are in until they are all out. So the team that's in send 2 players out, who are now in until they are out. The team with the most runs wins.

Player #25469697
Arsemonkey, definitely football 👍

Cricket because it started such a long, long time ago.

it's football, known to some as soccer. Not cricket.

TRUE CANADIAN Laurel, Timboli meant poncy a in Upper crust whereas football is the working class national game, with more spectators per match than English cricket gets in a season unless international cricket matches 😀

Player #33770797
Jonesy, so was soccer which is the national game not cricket

Tennis was invented in England

Cricket isn’t the national sport of England. Football always has been. Cricket is the sport of the ponsy public schools.

baymax, obviously the other 3 answers are wrong so any sport can be one of the other answers even if it’s not an “English” sport

who put baseball??? it's not an English sport, Jeez!!