In which biographical sports film did Sandra Bullock win an Academy Award for Best Actress?
Correct answer: The Blind Side

Loved this movie, Sandra totally deserved the academy award.

Fantastic movie very awe inspiring!

Sadly he claims they never adopted him and that they tricked him into signing over guardianship to them.

Giggle pig
It’s a great movie however, there is the question of did the family adopt him just to be part of a football star family. I probably could’ve phrased that better. No one will ever know except God.

Tommy T, try your math again. 86 to 96 10, 2006 - 20, 2016 - 30, 2024 -38.

Nerak 7
I like her, she is so down to earth .. I would love to see her in a Movie with Brad Pitt as her co star. I think that would be a great acting pair. Keep your fingers crossed ..

Tommy T
Fred H, back in the day sounds a long time ago but born in 1986 means this guy is under 30. He is still young.

I dig her in all her movies she's in 😋.

LubedLegs, lol the wimsey of Hollywood !

Anthony Tipton
baymax, make time to watch this movie, so feel good and a relief from this chaotic world.

Fred H
an excellent movie. Back in the day if you could be good at sports you passed to the next grade

Boxcar, well he's hardly a kid anymore is he? more a adult now!

have got this on DVD, haven't had the chance to watch it yet!