Between 1845 and 1850, what food caused the Great Irish Famine?
Correct answer: Potatoes

And look at a lot of us wasting food! We don’t realise how precious until it happens to us. That’s why I never take anything for granted

There was no famine! The potato crop failed but there was plenty of other food. The British exported other foids for profit and let the Irish starve.
Such is the history of England with Ireland.

Lady Wolf Moon
I’m part Irish and potatoes are soul food to me. Any way you make them that’s how I’ll eat them. My father - who was from Belfast - was nuts about potatoes. It must be in our genes or something.

The Irish people were not treated right at all by the British. Aside from the food they were not allowed to speak their own language Gaelic/Irish, nor practice Catholicism ( The British were and still are Protestants). They were not allowed to own land or property. Today Irish people prefer to own their houses instead of rent, it's all about security and not being able to be out on the street. They were also enslaved by the British and put on ships in horrible conditions to be shipped to a colony and work even before the black people was enslaved. The Irish history is very dark but ut also shows a strong and brave people with a heart of gold.

The potatoes did not cause the famine. Blight caused a failure if the potatoes crop and England was selling our other food sources for monetary gain while the Irish people starved

No doubt man made and created to lower the population and contain control. These things don't 'just happen'. Evil at It's best.

the Irish lumper potato was the main culprit

little b
i love potatoes

Miss Tramp
Jack, that is what caused the famine. the british

the crop failed but the English let our people starve to death.Yet they sent off barley wheat rye to their troops in South Africa 🇿🇦

Lady Wolf Moon, there wasn't a famine. the Irish had to watch all the other fruit, veg and meat sent to England leaving them to starve

shmad, good. I wasn't the only one who picked up on that!

Not True. The demonic british intentionally starved the Irish. They'll get their reward. Karma is coming. LONG LIVE IRELAND!!!!

looks like History repeats itself!

Player Jellybean, there was food, grain which was harvested and shipped to England under armed guard whilst the Irish catholics starved. English protestant ministers offered gruel like soup to catholics if they would renounce their religion. also these people were evicted from their dwellings and left to freeze to death.

Player #37996692, sometimes I'm ashamed to be British

Stu, read your history.

Arohanui, this is true.

Player #37996692
Player #28422752, another Irish Kennedy family migrated to Newfoundland, canada