Which of these animals does not have a brain?
Correct answer: Jellyfish

Terry B
so cool I did not know all that

W V hillbilly
Since I got this question wrong, apparently nor do I ! 😄

I was expecting to see politician as one of the answers

kinley wangmo, where I was born (Uruguay) there are jel.y fish that come to shore mid summer genera..y February and they are not poisonous you can handle them from the top but kin they touch any part of your body whi.e in the water they sting you and it hurts because there is a ŕeaction

Excuse the Kuz
I was reading this thing about the idea of aliens perhaps looking like jellyfish or octopuses. What if that's what they looked like? Would we still be keen on meeting them? And what if they smelled bad?Then what? Hard to imagine a jellyfish flying a spaceship. But space is pretty much open to anything.

Swam with them in the lake. Yes they sting.

oh hello, well diagnosis of abrain

Hunger Knowledge
Makes them the More Efficient Killers , No Heart 💔 to care how MUCH Venom they inject. No 🧠 Brain to measure how much Venom to I inject

human being?! 😅

Actually the picture says the answer , but still this is the first time I am knowing that jellyfish 🪼 does not have a brain 🧠

kinley wangmo
I also heard that this creature is poisonous in nature though I am also not sure

Felipe, except people's bodies are not made of 95% water😆