What is the meaning of the name piranha in the indigenous language Tupi Guarani?
Correct answer: Biting fish

That is so very interesting!! I love this game!! I hope I retain a lot of what I read on each question! Which, in read every question cuz it’s so interesting

sharp teethies

Lionessa, Thanks soo much 4 enlightening us!! Man, Hollywood would have us believing they're like sharks in fresh water.

the piranha is actually all of the above!

The old stories about piranha stripping a cow down to a skeleton in fifteen minutes are not true. I once watched Jeremy Wade (River Monsters) enter a swimming pool filled with fresh water and a school of piranhas. They swam all around him, checking him out, but there was nary a nibble. They have their prey, and giant things like cows and people are not it.

I love this game. I’m relearning all over again after 50 years of graduating high school.

TWeezyA, I couldn't agree more. I'm loving this game, minus the trillion of interruptions, and though you can skip ads (when you're not doubling your win) it's still tedious and so repetitive. Have fun still😚

Well, as another fellow player said, sometimes the answer is so obvious you might think it's a trick question ❓ 😂. Not me, tee hee

I hated the movie "Piranha

Boxcar, good for them!!

cos they bite, probably?!