Which answer best describes the function of a stent when inserted into a person’s heart?
Correct answer: Opens a blocked passageway and prevents it from closing up

Thanks to the Doctors who so precisely placed a Stent in my then 15 month old daughter's left pulmonary artery. She still with us, & celebrated her 23rd birthday in January 2022!!!

It is a surreal experience as you are conscious and can see your heart and veins on the screen as the cardiologist does the procedure.

Lola Kelly
Eilise, you are awake, but pretty sedated. I have had this a few different time and don't recall seeing any of this on screen or elsewhere

Player #45686565
had it done twice can watch it if screen is in the right place fascinating to watch

cats an me
pepper105, GodBless you your daughter and her doctor

my Partner Tex my Brother Declan and my Dad George

Got one of these after a CA. It was fun getting it around my right elbow though!

nuk di anglisht

Byrde Alpha Bitch
Eilise, Wish I could have been awake to watch, or even had my open heart surgery taped, but they didn't go for that. That would have been Fascinating!

Je m'attendais à avoir ce mauvais sens je suis français

Eilise, that must be weird but interesting to see