Which animal is pictured?
Correct answer: Wild boar

Goodboy, big problem in parts of Texas in the U.S.

All over the UK now, bit of a problem for some farmers.

little b
I've not heard of the wild boar

Player #136569400
quicksilver, Javelina??

Sushma, yes, the picture might be a young female.

A favourite snack for Obelix.

The wild boar in Hawai’i is the most invasive species in the Islands. The boar is the descendant of the cross breeding between the small Polynesian pig and the large European pig. They have killed off most of the Native Hawaiian birds. Euthanasia.

these animals can be quite problematic though especially for farmers. You can even see them invading cities like Rome somehow.

I thought wild boars have small tusks on both sides?

Ok who answers Zebra because when I saw it I was like laughing out of my mind😂😂

Player Say what!?
Once when driving through the beautiful Great Smokies, we kept seeing large black dogs far off on the edge of the forest. We couldn't fathom why there was so many! Eventually, this Yankee learned they were wild pigs. Trust me, they were far away! 😏