How was the Dutch exotic dancer and courtesan, Margaretha Geertruida also known as "Mata Hari" executed?
Correct answer: By a firing squad

Player #29100022
Player #53553731, It's wrong to judge historical events by today's standards or morality. There are many things considered normal at the time that would be unthinkable today.

Player #29100022, hear, hear! I quite agree with you! yes indeed why should we judge what went on before we were even born?

Player #53553731, at least it was quick, that's the only one thing in its favour

IRENE, I believe life should mean life in prison for murder or the abuse of children. unfortunately, in the UK, most murders are released. at the moment, the papers write of men committing murders after release from prison. Many people are calling for capital punishment again.

SS, And the good people pay for their upkeep.

IRENE, far more expensive too! Not saying I disagree just there needs to be a better way

MissScarlet99, I'd rather pay for their upkeep, since here in the USA, the automatic appeals system, from whatvI understand, costs a lot more than keeping them inside, without any chance of parole. I'm 73, I could be wrong, but given the cist of even a local attorney, I wouldn't doubt it.

People who serve as executioners are Corrections Officers who are well-trained. In lethal injection executions, there are three switches that are activated by COs, each with a key. Only one line has the lethal drugs in it, and no one knows whose key released the cocktail. In firing squads, one man's rifle is loaded with a blank charge with extra powder to simulate normal recoil. No one knows who fired live rounds and who fired the blank.

Sid, The only reason it has always been a man's world is physical strength, nothing more. It's the excuse they have used for claiming superiority since the dawn of time. Women, saddled with pregnancy and systematically deprived of education, were forced into subservience. Today's world is very different. Brute strength has very little value. Women are educated and able to control their own bodies. The Patriarchy is crumbling around the edges, and more and more women are throwing off the yoke of servitude created for them by men.

Such a sad ending for woman never properly convicted

Women still get paid less than men. It was a men's world then and it's a man's world today

Nigel SP
Lorraine , the British Justice system is appalling

Lorraine , given the uncertainties in our legal system, capital punishment should be used for some crimes but the burden of proof has to be very high. only guilty beyond doubt.

Player #29100022, even if she was innocent?

She had “agallas” 🥰

Life imprisonment, espy with no parole, is an alternative to capital punishment.

Player #29100022,
True..... but, there is a saying about being on the right side of history.