Which answer describes the primary purpose for a firefly’s photic emission during the twilight and at night?
Correct answer: For mate selection

luckycatfay, as children we carefully caught them and collected them in glass jars with a slotted lid for air. We also filled the jar with grass and sticks. Later we would take them into a dark room to view the signals. Then Mom took them outside to be free.

They are present in the UK

Player #137846770
Cold light?Why can't we mass produce these things

i would love to see them don't think they are in the UK .

Saw my first lightning bug at my Uncle's house in Ontario, Canada 🇨🇦. Mom, Aunt Gladys and I were out in the backyard for a few "breaths of fresh air " and I was amazed by them ❤.

Player #137846770, We do. They are called LEDs, which stands for light emitting diodes.

Wow! I'm really surprised to hear some people don't have them. I live in the Southern United States and they are quite prolific here. If you just sit out one evening, depending on the weather and season you can easily see up to a hundred. Of course we do live next to woods and a lake which are ideal conditions. I just thought other people didn't have as many, but still had some.

Since the Industrial Revolution Fireflies are less and less. I've only ever seen 3 in my life.

What’s that?? We’re talking about fireflies. Well then you must read that classic tale, “Sam and the Firefly”. That little guy sure was a lifesaver. I wish I could glow like him…….save some people.

Chris, Very toxic to pet reptiles if ingested, can kill them before they even get a chance to swallow it

I distinctly remember learning this in Ecology in college, as the professor had his PhD in of Entomology. Ever since then I'm aware of the different rhythms of the light flashes silently calling out into the darkness to their respective mates...

I recently read in a book by Dr. Oliver Sacks that if one consumes 3 or more fireflies (or lightening bugs as we call them in Western Pennsylvania) it can produce a lethal reaction. It seems that these bugs have a digoxin type of substance in them.

The first time I remember seeing them was when I was 13, visiting my Dad in Arkansas. We didn't have them in Vegas.