Which snakes are the leading contributor to snakebite injuries in North America?

Correct answer: Rattlesnakes

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What people think about it: 9 Comments
Napoleon Arioja
Napoleon Arioja
so knowledgeable information in which is very important to people to knows it
Ms. Wilkie
Ms. Wilkie
My dog was bitten by one, and after $6,000 on medicine, he still died. It was one of the worst days of my life.
Ms. Wilkie, Very sorry to hear the loss of your beloved pet due to the bite of a rattle snake. I know how you feel about losing your pet.
Jhunex, As stated, all rattlesnakes are vipers
Baxter, we are fortunate. I my island of mauritius no snakes
Nexus 6
Nexus 6
In exchange for convicts being transported to the American colonies, Benjamin Franklin proposed sending rattlesnakes to Britain.
Mars V
Mars V
Sassy, Mr. Edwards, and he made stew out of it.
Player #25874027, lol! I was bitten by a baby rattler in 2009 …. Four days in ICU
I remember watching the series of little house on prairie where someone shot a rattlesnake and gave rattle part to Laura’s baby sister