Which of the following is the world's second-largest religion?
Correct answer: Islam

Player Say what!?
olivia, It is clear in YOUR book. Each religion thinks theirs is the true one. So many people not allowing free thinking and differing opinions. Sad state of affairs.

Whistling Jake, Christianity is the largest one.

Player #66817220
Cookie Bean, what about those of us who don't?

Tina M.
No use in arguing about religion. Everyone has their own beliefs.

Religion is a form of control used by the rich and powerful to subdue the majority. Either that or a form of mental illness.

Byrde Alpha Bitch
Knodel1966, Morality, just like anything & everything is subject to interpretation, including all religions, faiths & beliefs etc.

Player #66817220
Goodboy, who gets to choose which one?

if only we could all believe in one God or creator.

Alhamdulilah ❤️

The largest but Islam is the most practiced religion in the world.
Most Christians never entered the doors of a church yet call themselves Christian by default.

Goodboy, we most probably do. but give different names

Terri, and so ?

ma ma Queen
rafter muslims read quran it is the largest part in islam. i am a Muslim

ma ma Queen
no titus jesus is not gid he has a god above him too. it is allah swt. don't differentiate religion we all are humans we have come to live in this world

Player #80564729
ok fafvvis 109737

Player #80564729
iieidej I'd. 2025

Whistling Jake, it's Christianity

Lord JESUS be in you and apon you forever

Player #29152846
There is something to be learned from every religion, no matter if they are man made rules and rituals. However Jesus Christ is my Savior and I am a Christian. I follow the Bible and don't belong to churches anymore.

Whistling Jake
Goodboy, so what is the 1st largest religion?