Which of these sweet foodstuffs is the traditional filling in the American dish known as a Shoofly Pie?
Correct answer: Molasses

That Cøunt, Ray Bumpkin
tunegrabber, I don't know. What attracts more than molasses?
Waits for punchline.

what attracts more flies than molasses?

I am not a number., Its from the words shoo and fly. Because you have to shoo the flies away from the sticky sweetness.

Shoofly.. pie comes wet bottom or dry bottom based on how much molasses is used--I prefer wet bottom!

I am not a number.
How do you pronounce 'shoofly'? Is it the adverb for the verb 'to shoofle'? As in 'that pie is very shoofly'.

I think I had it one time. I make muffins with Molasses. Very good for you especially if you need iron.