What is the name of the first baby that was born through cloning?
Correct answer: Eve

There is absolutely no proof that this actually happened: no baby, no mother, no DNA tests. This question should be removed from the game.

not a good explanation. How do you clone a person?

OddGemini59671, completely agree! Human cloning is illegal and this claim has never been confirmed

OddGemini59671, yes please remove this nonsense

so just by providing an "explanation" to one of their questions makes them experts? as if

Player #28262406
where do they get off putting this question on this quiz,maybe questions should be screened before being put into the quiz!!!!

Dr. Winston
Yes I agree it's presenting a lie as a fact. And because of this I'm reporting it and deleting the app. If they've done it once how many other times have they done it? It's ruined it for me.

Player #2570239
EccentricVirgo7913, Is the baby still living today?

Rupert F
Player #21173880,
I thought the question was referring to Eve made out of a spare rib!

Player #27643412
if they can't clone sheep & have had no success with cloning sheep, how with a creature as complex as a human being, that this would have happened, there was no press release at the time to say this had actually happened, so I suspect this is a con job..

Reported. Maybe if enough of us do that, it will get someone’s attention.

Player #27643412, Huh? They did clone a sheep, Dolly, who lived for almost 7 years.

Seriously ?! Not a medical procedure but allegedly performed by a cult religion without any officially qualified medical verification. Complete & utter rubbish.

Republic of China
There was no independent confirmation of the claim but meanwhile Scientists did clone Dolly, a sheep and other animals (NOT humans)

peny didn't drop

welcome to the 21st century.

I totally agree