In which country was the first nuclear reactor that produced electricity built?
Correct answer: USSR
That Cøunt, Ray Bumpkin
Boxerdog4me, the question is a bit selective. As you say the first was the Experimental Breeder Reactor (Idaho) in 1951 but this did not produce much, nor did it supply to the grid.
The question appears to be about the first one to supply to the grid, but doesn't use those words (in the question).
Player Bengal Mama, according to Google, it's the United States.
btw, if you see the cloud plumes in the photo. This is not pollution, as smoke, CO2 etc. This is just waste steam, water vapour.
Player #22506154
Boxerdog4me, My Google says Obninsk.
Player Bengal Mama
Never knew that. Glad to, now.