What is buffalo hump?
Correct answer: Lump of fat that develops between the shoulders

I didn't realise it's a condition. Can it be reversed?

Buffalo hump is a fat deposit at the base of the neck. Dowager's hump usually occurs lower down, and is a spinal condition. They are not the same.

toe jam
reminds me of the song, buffalo gals won't you come out tonight, come out tonight. so were these gals considered hunched back?

toe jam
some people call it hunch back or hunched back.

zanniB, Yes,there used to be a lot of elderly women with Dowager's Hump when I was a kid, mostly from osteoporosis. Some of them were so bent their face was parallel to the ground and they couldn't look up or sideways. Fortunately better diet and treatment has almost eliminated it, in the western world anyway.

Spooky, I think it is also known as a "Dowager's Hump"