What is the nickname of Beijing National Stadium depicted in the picture?
Correct answer: Bird's Nest

How many homes were cleared for this one event ?

yes a general surplus but the empty housing is where nobody wants to live, no jobs, amenities . Many areas, in desirable locations are very densely packed.

Goodboy, China actually has a huge housing surplus. the increasing middle class is investing in real estate. To the point that they have whole suburbs of apartment buildings with no one living in them. I believe 60 minutes or one of the other afternoon news shows did a story on it. It was very interesting

Player #3093136
Goodboy, even if it's many, Chinese government provides them with ample reimbursement for their property value when it's related to federal spending unlike our government who are poor and cheap from useless spending. Not that Olympics aren't an useless spending because it is.

It also looks like a nest