Elizabeth I celebrated the English victory over the Spanish Armada with what Christmas meal?
Correct answer: Goose

Again people wage war in the name of the compassionate and peaceful God that created them.

Goose eggs are good, not so sure about goose.

Spain had their Goose cooked that day! 😂I also thought that the English used fire boats too

Giggle pig, My son and DIL live near WPAFB. Fascinating AF Museum.

the question implies the Queen had goose for Christmas, but the answer implies she said everyone should - unclear!

I should know earlier.

Giggle pig
TwoTin16, there’s plenty around WPAFB in Ohio. Please shoot some! They are such a pain!

Player #29684811, I hate Goose, it is so so oily, I cooked one , baked it like a turkey, maybe I just don’t know how to prepare it, ,, so I really prefer turkey,,