What is aquamation, the green alternative to cremation chosen by Desmond Tutu?
Correct answer: A flameless water cremation

Sammi, sounds expensive

Player #22506154
Kinda like a human version of flushing your kids dead goldfish down the toilet.

Wow just flush me down the drain !

Player #66817220
Caesar, that reminds me of my dad saying he wanted his ashes scattered where they'd do the most good -- on an icy sicewalk.

why don't we just bury people in the dirt? No water, no fuel, no chemicals, just pushing up daisies, as it were. Of course this sort of natural burial is now big business in the U.S. ... No escaping capitalism, even in death.

Plant me beneath an oak tree and allow my worthless body to give nutrients to the earth. At least I would be good for something.

Player #44058464
Alexis, I believe what Diesel is suggesting is just putting the bodies into the ground and let natural microorganisms decompose it into fertilizer. That is the way nature does things. What we have now is large cemeteries with ornate boxes and artificially preserved bodies. Preserved for what, I have no idea. But it does make $ for people in the funeral business.

Diesel, some places do this. They bury you vertically in a shroud and plant a tree atop the mound. You're right, the burial business doesn't like it.

that's awesome! shoot I want that when I go.

Diesel, it's not approved in many states because it is not as profitable for the funeral industry.

You learn something new everyday

Goodboy, 😆

Diesel, In some countries (UK being one) burial space is running quite low.

Cat Mom
Mocha, good one

Cat Mom
Pip, Yes we are, waste water is purified and turned into tap water!

Cat Mom
A welcome addition to the water systems? Are you kidding me?!

well, let's hope they never have to exhume the body for DNA testing or to solve a cold case 🤔

Player #130998363
Just put it right back in the drinking water?

Player #120374466
hydroxide, She was being sarcastic. She's well aware of already polluted earth we have

Player #120374466
DanishDude, Yes,I know someone who works for waste treatment plant for a city in USA. She said that there is still so many pharmaceuticals found in waste water that can't be filtered out

Player #120374466
Diesel, I believe the statement from God saying: "From dust you are and to dust you will return."

Player #120374466
Player #22506154, Yeah, not very dignified.

Goodboy, 😂

Never heard of it 🤔

A welcome addition to the water systems? Welcome? yeah, no. I prefer my water cadaver-free.

Player #44058464, My nephew -in-law was buried this way. Also, those who have been embalmed are not preserved. They just decay slower because of the formaldehyde.

Diesel, I've read that all the chemical s and medications that we consume leak into the soil resulting in graveyards being as worse as landfill sites.

Sam, it will be, American business makes things for profit, even in times of grief, like many funeral directors. it won't be cheap.

Pip, where do you think drinking water comes from

Player #66817220, 🤣🤣

Player #22035154, just get a large pressure cooker , it’s the same 😱

Player #22506154, More like a pressure cooker , steamed out of existence, ugh! Not for me 😵🫣😱

Sam, I Googled. Not available in UK..and I think, only in certain states in US. I think the cost looks about similar to 'usual' cremations, and better for the environment.

Wannabe Vulcan
Alexis, there always have been, if you think about it. Circle of life.

CheshireCat, bela chao lol

I have a steel and titanium hip joint which would be left behind. It could be used for a hammer war club or perhaps recycled into somebody else's body.

Yep and straight into the Ganges

Diesel, why waste the space for burial plots.?

Diesel, we've been doing that for centuries - takes up to much space!

'A welcome addition to the water system'???
Most human bodies today contain a mix of various chemical substances which may be considered harmful if released into bodies of water.
There is no easy way. Think again!