What is the term to describe the situation when your body loses heat faster that it can produce it?
Correct answer: Hypothermia

Is that a squirrel 🐿️ doing a header into the snow ❄️ ? Funny picture !

Taliesin12, you're doing better than me trying to figure out that Crazy pic!! :)

Taliesin12, I think it's a fox but he definitely deserves a solid 10!

When the face of a human is submerged in cold water, the Mammalian Diving Reflex is activated. The first thing in drowning, of course, is water filling the lungs. My his causes apnea (failure to breathe). The resulting anoxia (lack of oxygen) triggers constriction of all blood systems except those serving heart, brain, and spinal cord. It occurs more often in children because they have more body surface to mass than adults, so they lose heat very quickly. One little girl was successfully resuscitated after being submerged for 66 minutes. It's extremely important to rescue the child and immediately begin CPR. Another child was revived to good health after 101 minutes of CPR, so don't stop. The saying among doctors is, "You're not dead until you're warm and dead."

Taliesin12, the Russian judge will give him a 9.9 in the winter Olympics

Good old fox dive… probably after his sauna!