If I am fishtailing, where would I be?

Correct answer: In my car

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What people think about it: 13 Comments
I got this wrong & have had several cars that have fishtail on icy streets...silly me to not remember!
Player #59334546
Player #59334546
EnterYourName, In Australia, tailgating is driving too closely behind another vehicle. Fishtailing is as described above.
fishtailing is easy when there is ice on the road
Tremain White, ya, it's sad to be so 'besotted' by a car! me too by an MG Midget!!
Tina M., same thing in a mustang. I braked under an overpass when someone cut me off to exit. I think I hit black ice dripping from the bridge. I was so shook up I put it in park briefly until I saw a car approaching and turned around. I was lucky!
this is a great explanation of how to control your vehicle. this could save lives.
Player #139957249
Player #139957249
Easy to do in the rain Winter snowstorm
toothless beachrat
toothless beachrat
Tina M., The only time it's ever happened to me was also in a Mustang. I believe it's due to the rear end of the vehicle, they easily "break loose". It was in the rain and was quite an experience. Had it not been 1 AM, I would have had a serious accident with oncoming traffic.
Tina M.
Tina M.
I once fishtailed in my Ford Mustang. I ended up facing oncoming traffic. Good thing it wasn't a very busy street. I was careful after that!
Byrde Alpha Bitch
Byrde Alpha Bitch
Tremain White, Actually yes, they do too.
Tremain White
Tremain White
couldn't fishtail a Porsche 911. Loved that car so much, as much as an object could be lol
Fishtailing is also a common term in Canada to describe automotive skidding, especially on icy streets.
Player #deadly, called fishtailing in Australia too. Do it on purpose sometimes.😁