Ottoman dominance over the Mediterranean Sea during the mid 16th century was secured by which admiral?
Correct answer: Hayreddin Barbarossa

Goodboy, what was Ghengis Khan but a pirate on land?

Against the longest option is the right one

a very good question and captain Barbarossa is very skilled that's why the sultan made him captain and leader of the sea army of the ottomans against Italy

but his beard isn't red in the painting!

Player #85915772
cool guys have fn

I don't know this one 🤔

Player #47734920
Player #9728185, they are 4 Brothers yakup agha sons the legends were oruch reis(red beard) and hizir reis(hayredin barbarosa)

Player #31753367
Falcon, Not sure, perhaps prior to former USSR ? And yet again Borders and Homelands

These Pirates were at best Criminals acting on behalf of which ever Nation they looted , raped , murder and
steal for . often times they were given Titles, such as SIR .

Barbarossa was the code name for the Nazi invasion of Russia in 1941.

Amazing how these pirates have become legend