What event caused a tailbone injury to the American actress Jennifer Lawrence while she was growing up?
Correct answer: While enjoying horseback riding, she was thrown from a horse

No one has mentioned her pivotal role in the dystopian series, " The Hunger Games."

"She played on a boys' soccer team and was injured during a game"
That's kind of bizarre for an option... (even if it is not real)

WilliamsHere, Or Winter Bone or American Hustle...

Good actress I also got thrown off a horse called Snowball when I was 19 I didn’t get hurt by the fall but no one told me to let go of the reins after half a mile of bumping over rocks and being pulled through varying degrees of weeds and undergrowth I ended up with nettle stings, cut knees and looking like the wild men of Borneo twigs were in places I won’t mention and worst of all my best rugby top was ruined in fact I threw it in the farm pond! My friend thought it was funny so the day was not a total loss and the farmers wife was very tender while attending to my self inflicted wounds! The date I was with at the time was unimpressed and Snowball went on to have a long and very fulfilling career as a real life buckaroo, love horses from a distance is my mantra!!!

Ouch! I hurt my tailbone, and that was very painful!