How old was Elvis Presley when he died?
Correct answer: 42

Canis Lupus
Remember...back then...people who went to doctors for scripts didn't consider themselves addicts. Just another concept that was busted wide open.

frosty chris
there will never be another Elvis

weedwhacker, He died from being over proscribed meds by a doctor, not street drugs. Same as today.

Montana Lady
FearsomeFlyer2654, everyone has a right to privacy when it comes to their physical and mental health, as long as we are not relying on them to make decisions (medical, financial, and/or political) on our behalf.

He was sad... looked at the wrong sort if things to try find happiness... I was young when he passed but remember it and how the world went into mourning... we lost a fantastic talent....

Player #17937252
unfortunately that was how Elvis coped with the stress and strain of stardom he wis I'll equipped to deal with the pressure he was the very best entertainer ever he died way too soon

Gone too soon!

Player #10628065
Beautiful voice.

weedwhacker, alot of the greats were on drugs, Michael Jackson, Hendrix, Jim Morrison, Prince etc... to name a few and in a way i guess thats where alot of the creativity has come from. So in some way if it wasn't for the drugs this great music would never have been produced. Im not condoning drugs it's Just my thoughts

RegretfulHuman68, uh....thank you,thank you very much

Rest in Peace

How young!!!

Red England
I’d just like to wish the players on here who’ve commented that they’re addicted to various drugs & trying to ‘quit’ the very best of luck & hope that they get all the help & support they want n need to be successful

Red England
tunegrabber, he wasn’t always on drugs - he was ill & was being virtually forced to perform by management- money making so & so - he was being given drugs to enable him to perform & travel & unfortunately no one close to him were really looking out for him & his health & he just got taken advantage of once he was deeply into the horrible drugs & their effects. To top it all he died alone on the toilet…. He deserved so much better.

The cause of death at such a young age probably went well beyond his abuse of pills, which little doubt had contributed. According to autopsy results eventually released to the public, Elvis was a very unhealthy individual. At least one physician hypothesized he was suffering from an autoimmune condition possibly brought on by a rather severe brain injury he had suffered some years before his death. This self-destructive condition allegedly had seriously damaged many internal organs and created coronary/pulmonary issues and chronic obstructions of his digestive tract. Combined with his notoriously poor diet, this is likely what caused his fatal episode at Graceland.

RubyHero92396, you are wrong.

Not only was he an amazing singer, he was a great actor.

The Best Entertainer Ever

I believe a similar situation happened to Michael Jackson. These doctors are very careless about how much medicine they prescribe to patients .These two men shouldn't have died.

frosty chris, so true the King

weedwhacker, drug use is a much more complicated who is struggling with drugs, even alcohol or other problems, is NOT OBLIGATED to the world to let us in on their personal struggles. HYPOCRITE, is indeed YOUR PERSONAL BELIEF some go into "remission" & TRULY NEED some recognition to help keep them sober. My brother struggled with addictions of all types, drugs, street & legal, from age 12, 1st introduced to heroine, until 65...dying addicted. I have a friend whose kid first introduced at 20 & was literally hours away from death when dropped off at his mother's door. You judge & have not a clue.

Player #2230840
Player #23514521, why you preaching?

Player #32567393
Player #17937252,
Cozzy 25,
I disagree. He was addicted to psychiatric drugs as am I. It had nothing to do with controlling stress. At least I have the guts to admit to being an addict. At least I’m doing something about it. 😡

Player #32567393
Canis Lupus,
Cozzy 25,
I’m addicted to an antidepressant drug called parnate. I’m battling that addiction now. I’ve ALWAYS regarded myself as an addict. Psychiatry is full of drug pushers. 😡

Fun guy
No, most of the music of the time was Not drug induced, rg. songs of peace, love, war protest, pollution, etc.. but.. touring is boring & hard 12+ hrs in a bus for days at a time, road good, no family, etc.. most drugs were to keep musicians going, only some to distract them ...

Player Elf Council
frosty chris, I love his Trilogy. Brilliant!

One of the best song by him " can't help falling in love "💕

My belief is that Elvis passed from complications of impacted intestines.

Puppy lover!!
Marshall, 👎

Puppy lover!!
Marshall, Just to be clear, all of those talents died of overdoce prescriptions from there doctor's. None of them died of addiction. Micheal Jackson definently died of medical drug overdose from his doctor, because his doctor went on trial and went to prison for involuntary manslaughter.

Puppy lover!!
RubyHero92396, Yep, true. Medical drugs, not addictive drugs, like cocaine. The same as Micheal Jackson. It's do sad to know that doctor's, who are supposed to help people, would do such a thing.

Player Teresa611
Sadly he was found dead in his bathroom (on the loo!) from an overdose of prescription drugs. I will never forgive Col. Tom Parker for destroying the utter brilliance of the young Elvis and cheapening his talent and his image.

Puppy lover!!
Marshall, Micheal Jackson died of an overdose of MEDICAL drugs, like pills, not like an addictive drug like cocaine from his doctor, who was then imprisoned for manslaughter.

the photo attached with the question was a good clue😅