Who was Josef Mengele?
Correct answer: A German physician

A very wicked man with no conscience!

Whistling Jake
Player #53553731, he was not held accountable b3cause he ran away & they couldn't find him until he drowned.

Curmudgeon, I agree totally it’s an insult to those who live by the Hippocratic oath.

A physician? What about the torture and experiments done on the good people .

linnell (she/her), some will not have heard of him or his atrocities. like the holocaust he should not be forgotten for his crimes.

linnell (she/her), he was a physician AND a monster. I consider this an educational game, and history should not be forgotten.

Moondog, he was qualified as a physician, but this game definitely exposes him for the monster he was.

I don’t think simply calling him a German physician is perhaps not the correct title for a Nazi mass murderer and cruel criminal…

Wannabe Vulcan
Cheech, his alma mater (rightly) revoked his medical degree after the war, so technically he was no longer a physician.

German war crimes physician

Curmudgeon, i

Because whoever puts this game together considers him a physician after my uncle gave his life fighting the Nazis. I will no longer play this game.