Who is Lilith according to Judaic mythology?
Correct answer: The first wife of Adam and supposedly the primordial she-demon

Player #105884866, the whole creation story is a myth.

I was gonna say Frasier’s Ex-wife! Lol
never heard of her before!

Player Number1Explor
Tho I was aware of some of these names and had some awareness of the story I really appreciated having the blanks filled in .Super interesting ,THANKS

So, according to these myths, was she also a rib woman?

every culture has its fables, myths and old wives tells. that does not mean everything they believe falls into one of those distinctions.

Maestra, Agreed. You may as well believe in the flying spaghetti monster 😉

Werewolf, the proof you are looking for you see every time you have a look in a mirror, the bible says: "you were created in the image of God" & "you are fearfully & wonderfully made"
.Bless you and i hope you find Him this side of life, praying for you. much ❤️ 😍

Mel, If it's not a myth, let's see the proof of your imaginary sky god the creator of all things but needs a rib to make a woman 🙄

Jenn Natalia
Maestra, 🖕

Wannabe Vulcan
I only knew this from watching "Lucifer".

Should have got that because I’ve read Von Bek!