Which animals listed have been observed performing elaborate funeral and memorial rituals?
Correct answer: Elephants

Player Say what!?
Yet another reason for us to mourn for their needless slaughter and fight for them as they're going to be extinct in our lifetime. 😥

Player Say what!?, I agree with you, by the way, Crows are very intelligent,

Vic, as are Ravens. Heck, the way people are treating each other in today's "civilized society", I'm thinking that animals are more humane than actual humans. 😪😔😪

Vic, what an amazing world animals reaction much better Than humans.

Tremain White
when younger I believed the female mosquito was the most dangerous animal. Now I have come to know it as the minority within one's own species.

Player dwelsh113
Vic, Crows are fascinating.

Player #81118475, NO ! Animals operate within their sphere of survival and in a lot of cases their actions are downright cruel especially amongst the predators. You've obviously never seen a stallion put to a mare, or film of chimpanzees killing each other or monkeys, or a group of male bottlenose dolphins capturing a female and then gang raping her to such an extent that she can't come up for air and drowns or a male lion taking over a territory and killing dozens of cubs because they are not his.

am chi
Horses perform rituals as well.

Fredrico, I was just thinking the same thing. As of today, 8 days after your comments, there are now 5 thumbs down. And I like your "alleged human" label.....quite apt. I hope you don't mind if I use that term from now on.

Romanticizing animals and ascribing to them human value judgements like "goodness" does not help them. We must allow all animals the dignity of being who and what they are, without trying to humanize them. Animals are not four-legged people, thank goodness. They are wild and savage and free. They live by their rules, not ours. They have survived millions of years longer than we have, and if we all vanished tomorrow, they would not suffer the loss, they would thrive.

My favourite animal

Player Say what!?, in court that would be a leading statement. They will not go extinct! Humans may or may not have dominion over all animals...but this is not meant to be permission to abuse and exterminate them...vegetarians may save our fellow denizens.

Player #120374466
Sheriffe, Very true. Or the neighborhood tom cat attacking a litter of kittens. I personally saw happen once.. Horrified at seeing the little kitten gasping with their throats torn open

Calabtangan' Boyoyong
TwoTin16, i agree

Byrde Alpha Bitch
Sheriffe, Exactly! Thank you.

A rodent called a “rat” 🤔 what’s that!? Lol I’m being sarcastic

Organic Dude
Player Say what!?, Rats?!!

Player #38647643
in some parts of Africa they are considered to be a nuisance and hunted because they destroy.....but they were here FIRST