What is Monophobia?
Correct answer: Fear of isolation

Top Cat
I guess I'm the opposite, I prefer being alone.

well mono meaning one, the answer is pretty obvious? I would say

Tina M.
I prefer being with at least one other person over being alone. Although I don't consider it a fear, I don't like being alone for long periods of time.

I'm tired of being alone not a monophobic tho. I definitely prefer someone to spend life with

Me too, i enjoy my quite time alone

Top Cat, Sooner be alone than surrounded by fools !

I am able to handle extended periods of isolation equally as I am also able to handle less extended periods of population overload, such as cities, and crowded venues! I'm not particularly crazy about crowds, but I prefer to avoid being in crowds, although I can handle being In one! I often seek out isolated places, and vacation spots where I can be all alone!

I don't fear being alone. I am happy in my own company, as long as there are also dogs. I keep a loaded 12-gauge (00 buckshot) by the bed, and I sleep well. The only time I fear living alone is if I choke on food. There's no one to do the Heimlich maneuver. So I eat carefully and take small bites.

they tricked me, holding out the bug looking item towards the child

I definitely don’t have this😏

I'm already alone.

GlamGenie, me too

Lucie Freya
Top Cat, being alone is different from complete isolation.

I’d love to have it just for a while!

Fear of spiders is arachnophobia. So I knew that wasn’t it

baymax, agreed! it was the easy choice.

i thought the picture is the hint 😂