In which country is Moscow located?
Correct answer: Russia
Next to Pa’s cow.
A country led by a madman
Violet, You're correct. At the end of soviet union, NATO agreed that there will be no expansion to the east but politicians are too dumb to realize a chain of events their actions are or gonna lead to, or may be they just don't care.
Wayne, Putin is intelligent, pragmatic, and sane. While Americans celebrated the fall of the Soviet Union, many of its citizens suffered and lost everything. Putin hates the U.S. and NATO, and blames us for the fall of the Soviet Union. He does not want good things (or leaders) for us. He wants to destroy the U.S. from the inside.
Player #1081396
also, there is Moscow, Idaho. in the U.S.
Señor , haha .....took me a second, but I got it!
There's a Moscow, Texas, USA too