Who was Phoolan Devi, popularly known as the Indian "Bandit queen"?
Correct answer: All of these

She sounds amazing! To broker a deal to benefit her family and gang members is exemplary! Just a pity it wasn't the actual rapists who were killed or jailed.

It's amazing what we DON'T learn in school.

So the caste social system is a good incubator for crimes committed by the more powerful (the upper caste in this case). It takes a lot of courage to stand against this, like this woman did, even if at the end she didn't survive. She was clearly a heroic figure.

Poor girl was gang raped simply because she was not belong to higher class. But the filthy men used her & didn't feel that she's low class

Player #25874027
Player #27530156,
From my reading of the notes I suspect it was exactly those creatures who were killed

the film is very good.

Manel, it doesn't matter if a female is "high or low" caste, if anyone wants to rape, they will. it doesn't matter even if it's not human but animal. such is Man's mind.

she did the right thing!

The movie 'Bandit Queen' by Shekhar Gupta is based on her life. Beautiful movie with a Beautiful music

little b
I'm named after the queen 👑

Player #136569400
PhoenixGriffin911, it's OK to learn outside of school.

chet, the film is very good.

nareshbhai, Shekhar Kapoor (not Shekhar Gupta)

PhoenixGriffin911, absolutely! there's so much that we have to seek out in terms of knowledge to really see this beautiful awesome side of history.! I would have traded failing algebra every semester to having an opportunity to learn some of this cool stuff!

whenever a choice is "all of these"...
choose it, 😂

Gotta love those “All of these” answers!

Dacoit not robber

Robinhud is not alone as he inspired people...

RSVP78, well if it wasn't true life you wouldn't believe it.